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How Can Jobs Be Redesigned.


Job Rotation

If employees suffer from over-routinization of their work, one alternative is job rotation, or the periodic shifting of an employee from one task to another with similar skill requirements at the same organizational level. Many manufacturing firms have adopted job rotation as a means of increasing flexibility and avoiding layoffs.


The strengths of job rotation are that it reduces boredom, increases motivation, and helps employees better understand how their work contributes to the organization. Howešver, job rotation is not without drawbacks. Training costs increase, and productivity is reduced by moving a worker into a new position just when the efficiency at the prior job is creating organizational economies. Job rotation also creates disruptions when members of the work group have to adjust to the new employee.


Job Enrichment

Job enrichment expands jobs by increasing the degree to which the worker controls the planning, execution, and evaluation of the work. 

  1. Combining tasks puts fractionalized tasks back together to form a new and larger module of work. 

  2. Forming natural work units makes an employee´s tasks create an identifiable meanigful whole.

  3. Establishing client relationships increases the direct relationships between workers and their clients (clients can be internal as well as outside the organization).

  4. Expanding jobs vertically gives employees responsibilieties and control formerly reserved for management.

  5. Opening feedback channels lets employees know how well they are doing and whether their performance is improving, deteriorating, or remaining constant.







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