Characteristics of Charismatic Leaders.
Charismatic leaders share several common personality and behavioral characteristics and traits. Although many of the traits - such as self confidence, energy and the ability to communicate well - are related to all types of leadership, their combination and the presence of followers and a crisis are what set charismatic leaders apart.
The self-confidence is accompanied by an apparent lack of internal conflict. Whereas non-charismatic leaders doubt themselves in the face of failure and criticism, charismatic leaders seem to know they are right and project that confidence.
Charismatic leader’s ability to express positive emotions further encourages followers’ positive moods, which increase the attraction to the leader and his or her effectiveness.
Steve Case, the highly confident founder of Revolution once said:
“In a little company everybody has got to believe. But there needs to be somebody who believes no matter what.”
Charismatic leaders generally exhibit high energy levels, along with self-confidence. They are passionate about their ideas and actions, are highly expressive and use nonverbal cues to lend dramatic support to their well-crafter verbal message. They also portray exceptional articulation skills.
Charismatic leaders carefully craft their message and present themselves as role models to their followers.
Charismatic leaders are masterful impression managers. They surround themselves with dramatic and mystical symbols that further enhance the image of the leader as a larger-than-life figure.
Characteristics of Charismatic Leaders
High degree of self-confidence
Strong conviction about ideas
High energy and enthusiasm
Expressiveness and excellent communication skills
Active image building and role modeling