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Positive Leadership.


'The newest addition to the neo-charismatic approaches to leadership is the concept of Positive Leadership, which has its roots in the positive psychology and positive organizational behavior concepts.


Instead of focusing on “What is wrong with people?” and on correcting weaknesses, which has been the basis of much applied psychology, positive psychology focuses on what is right, on things that make life worthwhile and on human strengths. Positive Leadership has its roots in concepts of self-actualization.


“What i’ve learned over time is that optimism is a very, very important part of leadership. However, you need  a dose of realism with it. People don’t like to follow pessimists”


“Inspiring leaders have an abundance of passion for what they do. You cannot inspire unless you’re inspired yourself”


“If I spend my time focusing on everything that’s bad, I’d get nothing done… If you can bring out the best in everybody, then you can have a great organization”


Positive leadership includes:

  • Being optimistic: Looking at the glass half-full; considering the positive side of events while remaining realistic

  • Encouraging positive deviance: by promoting outstanding results that change the way things are for the better

  • Focusing on strengths: Having an affirmative bias that promotes what is going well instead of trying to correct what is wrong

  • Creating a positive climate: where you give people the benefit of doubt; foster compassion, forgiveness, and gratitude; and celebrate successes

  • Maintaining positive relationships: with followers and advancing kindness, cooperation, support and forgiveness in your team

  • Having positive communications: with affirmative language, open and honest feedback geared towards building on and supporting strengths

  • Dealing with negativity quickly: Addressing those who behave negatively and sap the energy of the team in a constructive manner




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